Monday 3 August 2020

The Brotherhood Of Beings II

"The Hall of the Mountain King," CHAPTER FIVE.

 Jonah's work-mates are:

"the brothers Kzinamaratsov," i.e., two kzinti;

some fellow human beings;

a kdatlyno;

two very agile five-armed Jotoki. (Niven and Pournelle wrote three-armed Moties in Pournelle's CoDominium future history.)

Kzinti are stronger and quicker than human beings. However, evolved to climb not high trees but low hills on a heavier planet, they are less dexterous and not as good with heights. Thus, cooperation is fruitful.

This mixed team works on a Wunderlander island where another inter-system, inter-species interaction occurs: feral pigs fight tigripards. Mixed ecologies and comparisons between future histories are always interesting.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And feral pigs are a big nuisance in some states of the US! Those states would love it if the Kzint would hunt those pigs.

Ad astra! Sean