Sunday 9 August 2020

Superheroes In SF


Comics And Science Fiction Superheroes
Hugh Valland And Superman
Comparisons With Superheroes
Superhero Parallels

Superheroes came from sf and sf can involve superhero-like characters, e.g.:

Poul Anderson's Psychotechnic History
The Sensitive Man
The Galactics

Larry Niven's Known Space History
Gil "The Arm" Hamilton
The Brennan-Monster
other protectors

Julian May's Galactic Milieu Trilogy
many characters with psychic powers
Jack The Bodiless
Diamond Mask

Clark Kent, Hugo Danner, Joel Weatherfield (scroll down) and Jack Havig
(i) Four guys with special powers growing up in small American towns.
(ii) Weatherfield and Havig were created by Poul Anderson.
(iii) Kent and Weatherfield are extraterrestrial.
(iv) Havig is a mutant time traveler. Kent has time traveled, in some versions under his own power.
(v) Kent came from space. Havig goes to space.
(vi) Kent, under a different name, is renowned throughout the cosmos. Havig plays a pivotal role in Terrestrial, then interstellar, civilization.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And of course there's the universal telepathy of Aycharaych in the Technic stories.

I don't always agree with Julian May's PLIOCENE EXILE/GALACTIC MILIEU stories. I thought she made FTL travel too implausibly easy and quick. And it was hard to take seriously all those "metapsychic" mind powers. One or two, maybe, but not all of them.

I think Poul Anderson tended to move away from writing about characters like Joel Weatherfield and the Galactics of "The Chapter Ends." Their powers and abilities were too much to take seriously. Such stories were experiments Anderson tried out in his early years as a writer.

Ad astra! Sean