Sunday 16 August 2020

Subtleties Of Time Travel

I can question the logical consistency of "Brave To Be A King" and have done so in the past but to discuss the story merely on that level would be to fail to appreciate most of its rich content as I have tried to exhibit in recent posts.

It is logically possible:

that two men could experience a sequence of events as described in the story;

that their account of their experiences could be one that I regard as at least partially incoherent;

that I would continue to fail to formulate a fully coherent account.

That sounds like our already existing discussions of issues like the mind-body problem, quantum mechanics, cosmogony, morality and economics. So maybe all that we really need to say is: "Welcome to the cosmos."

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I was reminded of Stirling saying trying to write time travel stories hurt his head! That is, in a logical, consistent, and coherent way.

Ad astra! Sean