Monday 17 August 2020

Recoding The End Of A Geological Epoch

"Gibraltar Falls."

The Mediterranean basin has been a desert for a million and a half years;

but the Gates of Hercules have opened;

Atlantic currents, sucked toward the gap between Europe and Africa, clash and recoil;

their chaotic white and green violence crumbles cliffs, overwhelms valleys, flows off rock, gouges mud and covers miles of shore with spume;

an eight-mile wall of water bellows between continents;

rising spray covers the torrent which makes clouds with wheeling rainbows;

it is unsafe for aerial observers to breathe the thick, cold, salt fog for many minutes;

Feliz flies above, making a full-sensory recording of the entire century-long inflow for other Patrol members to experience.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And it's conceivable that the Atlantic might again be cut off from the Mediterranean, leading to its slow drying and renewed desiccation of the basin. And humans might try to prevent that from happening using high technology.

Ad astra! Sean