Tuesday 18 August 2020

Missing Links

I find that I am helpless when the technology doesn't work which is not a good way to be. At least for the time being, I am unable to edit posts. It is thought that the problem is with the site, not with the machine.

I want to link The Morning Star both to The Bible On The Blog and to Sunset And Evening Star but am unable to do so, so I have taken this more roundabout way to make the connections. If, having published this post, I notice any errors in it, then I will be unable to correct them. If, as sometimes happens, the links don't work, then I will be unable to fix them. The struggle continues.

Addendum: OK. I can edit recent posts, as I am editing this one now, via a different route but it is not as easy for older posts.

Addendum II: The post, "The Morning Star," has now been linked to those two earlier posts.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I was able to find and read all three of the blog pieces you linked up to "this roundabout way" in this particular piece. It's interesting to sometimes reread some of the older blog posts and any combox comments they might have.

Ad astra! Sean