Friday 7 August 2020

Light And Mist

"The Hall of the Mountain King," Chapter Sixteen.

While Jonah prepares for possible combat:

"The dawn was coming up in the east, to his right; the snowpeaks and clouds around the summit of the Jotuns turned red as blood, while Beta was a point of white fire overhead. The waterfall toned and thundered to his right, mist rising out of darkness into light." (p. 153)

(i) "...rising out of darkness into light." Hopefully, that is what we do.

(ii) It is good that two writers of military sf take time to observe a dawn.

(iii) The description is worthy of Poul Anderson.

(iv) Something is wrong. Why do intelligent beings prepare for combat when instead they can appreciate morning light on snowpeaks and mist on a waterfall?

(v) Civilization will either destroy itself or transcend conflict and learn to appreciate light and mist. (I think.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree with your point "iii," the description was very Andersonian!

And I can't help but feel a bit exasperated about your points "iv" and "v." Intelligent people, of whatever species, have conflicts because their interests and desires are DIFFERENT. Or because two parties might desire the same thing but only one of them can have it.

Any race which manages to get off its home planet in a permanent way has thereby assured its likely survival. But that does not mean it will "transcend conflict."

Ad astra! Sean