Friday 7 August 2020

An Age Of Exploration

"The Hall of the Mountain King," Chapter Nineteen.

This triumphant closing statement reminds us of several passages in Poul Anderson's works:

"'The universe is too big to understand; vastly too big to control even by the most subtle and powerful means, even this little corner of it we call Known Space. There is an age of exploration coming - as it was in the Renaissance, or the twenty-first century. Nothing can stop it. Nothing can stop what we - all the sentient species - will do, and venture, and become." (p. 200)

The ARM has been cast in the role of the anti-freedom, anti-stellar bureaucrats of Anderson's Planet Of No Return, The Avatar and Harvest Of Stars.

The corner of the universe called Known Space recalls the fragment of a spiral arm.

The new age of exploration sounds like:

"The world's great age begins anew..." (See here; scroll down.)

The FTL period of the Known Space History is just beginning.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Hmmm, a RENAISSANCE in OUR 21st century? I admit to finding that hard to believe, given the dismal times we've been having since 1914. Needless to say, I would rather have my pessimism proven wrong! And one way for that to happen would be by mankind finally getting OFF this rock--perhaps by Elon Musk founding his hoped for Mars colony.

Ad astra! Sean