Friday 1 March 2019


Poul Anderson's Dan Coffin dismisses "demagogues preaching revolution." See recent post, " The Future Of Rustum." (Here.) I defend some "demagogues." In my experience, those who might be described as demagogues are of two kinds: racists or anti-racists; would-be dictators or opponents of dictatorship.

Currently, xenophobia marches through Europe, sometimes unopposed. Recently, an elderly Jewish man was attacked in London. There was an immediate street response. Local clergy (Catholic priest, rabbi and imam), City Councillors, the Member of Parliament and political campaigners addressed a crowd who rejected antisemitism and celebrated diversity.

Some of the speakers at that rally would have looked and sounded like demagogues preaching hate, especially to a non-English speaker, but their message was the exact opposite. Some loud angry public speakers preach hate. Other loud angry public speakers oppose hate. The latter make a positive contribution to society and should not be dismissed as if they were Tweedledum fighting Tweedledee. (Alice reference. Alice can be relevant and topical.)


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But Dan Coffin (AND Poul Anderson) did not have persons like the gentlemen you mentioned. Rather, as Anderson discussed in his "Commentary" in SPACE FOLK, he had fools or cynics whipping up and preying on public ignorance as a means of grasping after power.

So I continue to side more with people like Dan Coffin!

Sean said...

Yes. There are many demagogues in the derogatory sense.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In the derogatory and TRUE sense of that word.
