Saturday, 17 June 2017


"We need tales to make sense of the world."
-SM Stirling, The Sword Of The Lady (New York, 2009), Chapter Four, p. 100.

How did the world begin?
What must men work to live?
Why do women have pain in child birth?
Why do snakes lack legs?
Why are there rainbows?
How do we know that mankind will not be destroyed in a flood?
Why are there so many languages?
Why are there racial differences?
Why are there tides?
Which question is the odd one out?
Do we still rely on tales to make sense of the world?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

What are the "tales" of our times? For many, many Christians, the Scriptures are what helps give ULTIMATE meaning to the universe. Which for a Catholic like me means the Bible is an account of God's gradual revelation of Himself to mankind, culminating with the Incarnation, Passion, and Resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, some Christians, like "Evangelical" Protestants, misunderstand and misuse the Bible. Such as when they insist the Genesis creation accounts are literally historical facts. They overlook the role played by ALLEGORIES in Scripture and how what was being revealed by such means was what mattered.

Not that the Bible, both OT and NT, doesn't have sober history in it. It does, such as the Books of Kings, the gospels, and Luke's Acts of the Apostles.

Sean said...

I think that the Gospels do not record history but propagate a belief.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I believe the Gospels does both. Which was the argument of Fr. John Meier in his MARGINAL JEW books.
