Thursday, 26 June 2014

Flandry On Scotha: Earl Morgaar

Flandry advises Earl Morgaar, the avaricious feudal lord of the conquered planet, Zanthudia:

farm out tax-collecting - which more than doubles revenues;

when the natives respond to this by murdering tax collectors, hiding goods and making an insurrection, crush them;

when it is pointed out that this is both costly and counterproductive, then set up puppet committees, blame scapegoats and favor selected underdogs (measures which work well only when administered skilfully);

when it is pointed out that Flandry's advice enriches some Scothani but at the expense of others, then reflect that, since the prospect of gain always stirs up strife and since wealth is even now corrupting the court, it may be necessary to forestall a coup against the too-trustful King Penda...

...but approach Prince Kortan, not the ambitious Torric.

Flandry now has:

Nartheof seeking glory for himself at the expense of Cerdic and, incidentally, disposing of Nornagast;
Torric plotting to overthrow the heir, Cerdic;
Morgaar and Kortan working against Torric.

It won't be long now. But I am not happy about all that suffering and strife that Flandry instigates on Zanthudia.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Hi, Paul!

I understand and sympathize with what you said about Zanthudia. But, would it be out of place for me to point out Zanthudia would have suffered even more if the Scothanians had gone to war with the Empire? And that what Earl Morgaar was doing or trying to do would stop once the Frithian hegemony was overthrown. Presumably, under Terran guidance, the Ilrians would govern far more mildly and tolerantly. What Flandry had been doing would SHORTEN this abuse of Zanthudia and other planets like it.
