Saturday 14 June 2014

Gorrazan III

Whereas Terrans and Merseians build cities with towers, Gorrazani:

"...expand underground - 'in the bosom of the Mother,' they often said."
-Poul Anderson, Flandry's Legacy (New York, 2012), p. 310.

To regard the planet as a mother is good but underground does seem a strange direction to build in. Even when they have spaceships, the Gorrazani remain conservative. Their villages are still constructed of "...archaic earthen buildings..." (p. 313) More modern buildings are "...squarish and garish..." (ibid.)

The Gorrazani export mercenary soldiers. Leon Ammon's:

"...Gorzunian mercenary stood like a shaggy statue in one corner. When Flandry turned his back, the being's musky scent continued to remind him that if he didn't behave he could be plucked into small pieces."
-Poul Anderson, Young Flandry (New York, 2010), p. 206.

On a later visit, when Flandry challenges Ammon:

"The Gorzunian sensed rage and bunched his shaggy body for attack." (p. 361)

Nice guys.

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