Monday 16 June 2014

Zacharian Geography

The text of Poul Anderson's The Game Of Empire remains consistent with his map of northern Zacharia Island. Targovi looks up at the walls of the command post. Above and beyond that wall are the Mencius Hills. Above and beyond those hills are the Hellene peaks. The Averroes River flows through the hills into Nacre Bay and the Phosphoric Ocean, which is lit by tiny phosphorescent organisms.

Targovi has gauged, and the map confirms, that the spaceport, closed to outsiders, is on the far side of the Mencius Hills from the walled command post. Flat on the ground as a hunting Tigery, Targovi feels the shudder as something passes beneath and infers a connecting tunnel. Some who see strange spacecraft landing on Zacharia suspect smuggling. Targovi suspects worse. Indeed, Olaf Magnusson met his Merseian controller in a "...hidden place..." (p. 439) - the command post. Targovi must enter the building and return with a severed Merseian head to prove his case.

A hunting Tigery goes on his belly at night, using every cover, every trick and every sense, freezing for minutes when people pass close enough to touch, taking more than an hour to reach a nearby goal; he would kill dogs if they were there. Tigeries are intelligent but not human.

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