Monday 11 March 2024


World Without Stars.

Every detail in the attached cover image is accurate:

the Milky Way galaxy in an otherwise empty sky;
the crashed spaceship sticking out of a lake;
exactly six men emerging from it;
Hugh Valland with his omnisonor.

This single image could be the basis for:

illustrations to the novel;
a comic strip;
an animated film.

The comic strip could be the story-board for a live-action screen adaptation. In my opinion, any dramatization of a novel should be a serial in order to incorporate every detail. Any single book cover image is fascinating because it has the potential for so much more.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That was one of the all too few accurate covers I've seen for any of Anderson's stores. I even thought of buying a copy of that edition of WORLD WITHOUT STARS because of how much I like that illustration.

Ad astra! Sean