Tuesday 12 March 2024

Valland And Rorn

World Without Stars.

Argens wants a gunner and second deck officer with some xenological skill and Valland claims all three from experience, not from training. Also:

"'Been an engineer myself, several kinds of engineer, now and then...'" (VII, p. 47)

- and:

"'I've done soldierin' now and then, here and there...'" (XII, p. 88)

What has he not done? Valland puts all this experience to practical use, predicting what will happen and assessing what can be done.

Yo Rorn's verdict on Valland:

"'A loudmouthed oaf.'" (X, p. 66)

Can one man work with another and yet make such an uniformed judgement about him? Yes.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Oh, boy! Valland even did some occasional soldiering? Now that is really taking chances.

I suspect Rorn is also jealous of Valland!

Ad astra! Sean