Two enemies of the Psychotechnic Institute discuss the Institute:
"'If the world at large were aware of being - manipulated - then manipulation might become impossible.'" (I, pp. 107-108)
That observation corresponds to one of Asimov's three laws of psychohistory. The Second Foundation would be unable to manipulate Galactic society through the science of psychohistory if the members of that society knew of the manipulation. On an individual level, if we predict what someone will do and he learns of the prediction, then he might deliberately falsify it.
But a science of humanity has to go beyond some human beings manipulating others. It has to become individual and collective self-understanding and self-control and the Institute, unlike the Second Foundation, also has that higher aim. The Psychotechnic History recounts how that aim is formulated and lost but eventually regained.
Kaor, Paul!
And I simply don't believe in the realism or practicality of such abstract hopes leading to that kind of "...individual and collective self-understanding and self-control..." Nothing I've seen in human history and actual human beings convinces me such grandiose hopes are possible. And if they are not possible then neither are they desirable.
Ad astra! Sean
Understanding and control of self are not even desirable? On an individual and small group level, we can make a start with meditation and psychology. Everything has to start somewhere.
Paul: knowledge is a tool; but the purposes of life are not set consciously, they're determined largely by genetically coded instinct interacting with the environment.
The particular -expression- may be cultural and include an element of choice, but fundamentally it's outside our control.
Kaor, Paul!
Of course self understanding and self control are good things to ASPIRE to. But I don't believe we are ever going to see them expressed in the "mass" ways you seem to desire. Most people are not going to be interested in meditation and psychology.
Ad astra! Sean
Note that stockbrokers have been trying to "out-guess the market" for centuries and nobody's managed to do it.
Individuals succeed occasionally, but nobody's been able to do it systematically. You're better off just using a market-tracking fund.
Kaor, Mr. Stirling!
I agree! AND it helps to invest in goods or services which are either popular or for which there is a wide need and demand. E.g., one of my investments is in a power generating utility company, one I believe to be well run and has provided solid returns for me over many years.
I think a good utility is a good way to invest, long term. We all need electricity, after all. And, unless civilization suddenly crashes, a good utility is a reasonable bet.
I also have other funds in an IRA, and I assume the managers who handle that for me do the market tracking. My instructions were to focus on moderately conservative investing.
I believe as well in the desirability of plain old SAVING and living within one's means!
True, I'm nothing like Elon Musk!
Ad astra! Sean
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