Sunday 29 January 2023

Stars And Galaxy II


See Stars And Galaxy.

Could the "Galactic" stories be moved to later in the Chronology? "The Acolytes" and "The Green Thumb" are set during the early days of the colonization of Nerthus. Passages in "Virgin Planet" and The Peregrine are set on Nerthus when it is an established colony. Thus, these stories would also have to be moved until later. Nerthus is also referenced in "The Pirate" and "Symmetry." Maybe the answer is just that there should be a much longer interval between "Gypsy" and "Star Ship"?

There should certainly be an interval of tens of thousands of years before "The Chapter Ends" if it is to be included.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Anderson did pub. at least a partial chronology of the Psychotechnic stories. If either of us found it that might help in sorting out some of these puzzles.

Ad astra! Sean