Wednesday 11 January 2023


In Poul Anderson's Psychotechnic History:

"Marius" is set in 1964, the year before the UN world government is established and eleven years before the founding of the Psychotechnic Institute;

"Un-Man," in 2004, "The Sensitive Man," in 2009, and "The Big Rain," in 2051, are set during the period of the UN world government:

"Quixote and the Windmill," in 2120, is set - 

fifteen years after the founding of the Solar Union, 
five years before the publication of the Humanist Manifesto,
six years before the launch of the first slower-than-light interstellar spaceship,
ten years before the beginnings of the Cosmic religion
and fifty years before the Humanist Revolt which outlaws the Psychotechnic Institute.

In "Holmgang," set in 2140, Humanists prepare for revolt.

However, "Cold Victory," set in 2180, describes the overthrow of the Humanist dictatorship.

Thus, seven stories cover historical processes and events from 1964 to 2180. "Quixote and the Windmill" is missing from the Chronology in The Complete Psychotechnic League, Volume 3, but can be found in the Chronology in Starship, the third volume of the earlier Psychotechnic trilogy.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The period 1964 to 2180 is a reasonable span for all these events.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

It's a weakness of a future history when it starts with detailed events only a decade in the future -- but this wasn't obvious at that stage in the development of SF.

If a story is a one-off, it's no big deal. With a long-continuing series, it's a serious problem (if you'll forgive an almost-pun.)

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree, and I had to laugh a bit!

Ad astra! Sean