Sunday 29 January 2023

Planets Visited By The Traveler II

There is still more in the following paragraph:

snowfields and sunset on Hralfar;
river in the rainforest covering Atlang;
desert on Thyvari;
New Jupiter.

That is four more planets. Thus, a total of at least fifteen planets in what is described as "...over twenty years..." (p. 265) How much over?

The Travelers themselves have named New Jupiter but, in the other three cases, they have been on a planet long enough to communicate with inhabitants and to learn the local name for the planet. That is a great deal to achieve in less than thirty years. Very little of that time must have been spent between planetary systems although those times also have impressed themselves on the collective consciousness:

"...the cold and vastness and cruelty and emptiness and awe and wonder of open space itself." (p. 267)

A lot of experience in what sounds like a very short time.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Altho not described, there must have been some method or means used by the crew of the TRAVELER for quickly learning non-human languages. Perhaps analogous to what was said in THE REBEL WORLDS on how the Intelligence Academy taught trainee agents like Dominic Flandry how to quickly learn languages.

Ad astra! Sean