Thursday 17 February 2022

Wells, Anderson And Others On Time Travel

To recapitulate some of what has already been said in earlier posts -

Timecycles are like streamlined, improved, mass-produced Time Machines.

Human evolution into Danellians is an alternative to devolution into Morlocks and Eloi.

Time is a fourth dimension in The Time Machine and, more literally, in The Corridors Of Time.

Wells presents a simple circular causality paradox in "The Chronic Argonauts" whereas later authors, including Heinlein, Anderson, Powers and Niffenegger, endlessly elaborate this paradox.

Wells hints at curious possibilities of anachronism and of utter confusion whereas Anderson wrote the lengthy Time Patrol series.

Wells warned of the dangers of watching the Battle of Hastings whereas Ward Moore and Poul Anderson showed time travelers intervening in historical battles.

Jack Havig travels like the Time Traveler but without a vehicle.

Wells' Time Traveler explores only the future whereas Anderson's time travelers explore both past and future.

I have probably missed something.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've been wondering precisely WHAT was meant by that evolving of ordinary humans into Danellians? We only see Danellians twice in the the Patrol stories: once in "Time Patrol" and once more at the very end of THE SHIELD OF TIME. It was a terrifying experience for Manse Everard to see a Danellian in that story: "He could not look at the shape which blazed away before his eyes. There was a dry sobbing in his throat as he backed away."

By contrast, the Danellian he and Wanda met in THE SHIELD OF TIME seemed a very ordinary looking human being. Not looking at all terrifying or blazing. While the inconsistency could be rationalized, it's still there, to provide fans food for endless debate! (Smiles)

Ad astra! Sean