Tuesday 22 February 2022

The Time Machine And There Will Be Time

I have found more than expected in common between The Time Machine and There Will Be Time, mainly the time-dilation-type time travel, the progression of a nineteenth century man into the future and speculation about the future of mankind. Poul Anderson adds some medieval history, some reflections on several decades of the twentieth century and some complicated circular causality. He is Wells Plus. Several other time travel narratives by Anderson also have Wellsian elements. We approach the end of a rereading of There Will Be Time, not having expected to extract as much as this from it.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Wells was the pioneer in the time travel sub-genre of SF. Anderson and others developed further the implications and possibilities of Wells' work. Including many he never thought of.

Ad astra! Sean