Friday 25 February 2022

Maurai And Time Travelers

Both the Maurai and the Time Patrol try to prevent something from happening. However, the Maurai series has no continuing characters. Instead, the Maurai culture and policies are represented by different individuals centuries apart. Also, the Maurai do not suspect that they are observed by time travelers who in any case differ in every respect from the Time Patrol: time-consuming time journeys by mutant time travelers in an immutable timeline as against instantaneous technological time jumps in a mutable timeline.

Today and tomorrow look like being busy so this might be the last post for a while.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And an immutable timeline seems to make anything like the Time Patrol impractical and pointless. And there never seems to have been enough of the mutant time travelers to make such an organization of any long term usefulness.

Ad astra! Sean