Friday 15 September 2017

Three Senses And Venus

"...the water was indigo in the evening light, streaked with arabesques of foam, and he could hear waves rumble against the sheer walls. Overhead the sky was tall with a few clouds in the west turning aureate. The hovering gulls seemed cast in gold. A haziness in the darkened east betokened the southern California coastline. He breathed deeply..."
-Poul Anderson, "The Sensitive Man" IN Anderson, The Psychotechnic League (New York, 1981), pp. 131-198 AT p. 140.

So far, colors (indigo, aureate and gold) and rumbling waves.

"Venus was already visible, low and pure on the dusking horizon. Dalgetty breathed the wet pungent sea air into his lungs..." (op. cit., p. 141)

Now, also, wetness and pungency. And where else have we read about the purity of Venus above an ocean?

"Pure as yourself, your evenstar shines above the sunset...
"Ave Stella Maris!" (Time Patrol, p. 640)

It is good to keep alternating between Anderson's three main series: Psychotechnic History; Technic History: Time Patrol. If anything like the Time Patrol operates in the Psychotechnic History, then it remains concealed not only from the characters but even from the readers. However, it would be responsible for ensuring that psychotechnics survives from the Psychotechnic Institute to the Galactic civilization.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The snippet you quoted from "The Sensitive Man" is an excellent example of how skillfully PA could write even in his earlier, sometimes more pulpy stories.
