Friday, 29 November 2024


The Rebel Worlds.

After crash-landing on Dido:

"When the lock was opened full, the air turned into a steam bath. Odors blew strange, a hundred pungencies, fragrant, sharp, rotten, spicy, nameless. Men gasped..." (CHAPTER EIGHT, p. 443)

Words can express this. Films are only audiovisual - so far. Aaron Snelund had been:

"'...a sensie actor...'" (CHAPTER TWO, p. 385)

Would a sensie audience smell the odours and gasp in the steam bath? 

Of course, we go further and imagine a virtual reality in which we can live the role of Flandry or one of the other characters and are we living in a simulation already? Some argue we are. I doubt it. Either we are in a base reality or we are in a simulation so complete that we will never know. But, as ever, let's see the evidence.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Here Anderson hints more than he tells. Are "sensies" somehow able to make us feel we are physically present in what's depicted?

Ad astra! Sean said...

Must be.