Friday, 8 November 2024

Anitgeriatric Treatments

"Virgin Planet."

Davis Bertram contemplates the consequences of being stranded for decades on Atlantis:

"Why, missing his antigeriatric treatments would alone cut his life down to a lousy century!" (p. 71)

Is this the only indication in Poul Anderson's Psychotechnic History that the people of the Stellar Union period have their equivalent of:


In the later instalment, "The Chapter Ends," a Terrestrial primitive not treated by Galactic medical science is old at nearly two hundred but that is tens of millennia later. 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I was reminded of a book I read called IMMORTALITY, INC by Chip Walter, focusing on the scientists and entrepreneurs working or investing in the field of life extending treatments. Interesting and well worth reading--but I ended having my doubts that any dramatic results will be likely anytime soon.

Maybe something fairly modest, such as Technic antisenescence enabling people to live in good health till about age 100/110 might someday be possible.

Ad astra! Sean

Jim Baerg said...

People living to a century, like Jimmy Carter, are still getting less rare.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim!

But I said in "good health," meaning being able to live for 100 years or a bit more still strong, vigorous, and mentally sharp. As of now people like Carter are all too likely frail, in failing health, and not mentally at their best.

We still don't have Technic style antisenescence.

Ad astra! Sean