Friday 10 March 2023

Visuals And Virtuals

Genesis, PART ONE, V.

Laurinda's global broadcast includes not only visuals but also:

"...occasional virtuals to invoke every sense." (2, p. 44)

I am trying to imagine that.

Her underground house includes one or more workspaces, entertainment centres and communication centres. These will incorporate various combinations of visuals and virtuals. She also maintains a small space for solid reality:

framed pictures
baroque music
a steaming copper kettle
a meal that Jane Austen might have eaten
no simulated human servant

We learn something more of the capabilities of Terra Central:

"She thought she wished only for quiet, a bit of reading, and then bed.
"When a voce like her mother's contralto spoke to her, she realized that Terra Central had detected otherwise." (3, p. 54)

Terra Central monitors bodily processes - including even neural interactions? - and knows what Laurinda wants better than Laurinda does.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

No, not any kind of mind reading. I think what Terra Central does is closely study Laurinda Ashcroft and analyze the data liked an advanced polygraph machine.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Even scanning of neural interactions would not automatically lead to mind reading. Detecting the neurons is one thing. Knowing what thoughts correspond to them is another.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree!
