Friday 31 March 2023

More Everyday Moments And Historical Continuity

Everyday Moments

(i) Conversation in  a wood-panelled waterfront tavern in Boseville on the River Flone on the planet Aeneas in The Day Of Their Return.

(ii) Diana sitting on the tower of St. Barbara watching the market in Olga's Landing on the planet Imhotep in The Game of Empire.

(iii) The Wodenite Axor having to sprawl on the floor at the Sign of the Golden Cockbeetle which is also frequented by miners, joygirls and a Tigery in The Game of Empire.

Historical Continuity

Later instalments of a future history series incorporate understated background references to earlier instalments. In "Day of Burning," the Polesotechnic League, represented by David Falkayn, arranges to protect the planet Merseia from the radiation effects of the supernova, Valenderay. In The People of the Wind, the superdreadnaught that is the flagship of the Terran armada is called Valenderay. This and similar connections enhance our appreciation of the series provided that we notice them.


S.M. Stirling said...

Poul was good at a deft touch that suggests much more.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree, and so are you.

Ad astra! Sean