Thursday 30 March 2023

Two Culminating Collections

Poul Anderson's Technic History in its original reading order comprised more or less seven volumes culminating in the long collection, The Earth Book of Stormgate, followed by ten volumes culminating in the short collection, The Night Face and Other Stories. The Earth Book completes the first part of the Technic History, mainly about the Polesotechnic League, whereas The Night Face... completes the Technic History. Each of these two collections covers enough fictional history to count as a single-volume future history. The Earth Book incorporates eight more Polesotechnic League instalments whereas The Night Face.... does not include any further Terran Empire stories but is entirely post-Imperial. Also, the Earth Book is bound together by Hloch's newly written introductions and afterword whereas there are no such additional passages by Anderson in The Night Face... Reading the Technic History, we appreciate these contrasts.

An equivalent volume in Larry Niven's Known Space future history is Tales of Known Space.


S.M. Stirling said...

Larry is a good writer, but I don't think he put nearly as much effort into making "Known Space" internally coherent as Poul did with the Technic History.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul and Mr. Stirling!

Paul: Falling behind, real world stuff to do. Trying to catch up.

Mr. Stirling: I agree, esp. Larry Niven's earlier stories, and esp. his collaborations with Jerry Pournelle. Unfortunately, I've found his later stories a disappointment.

Ad astra! Sean