Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Targovi's Suspicions

The Game Of Empire, CHAPTER TWO.

Targovi interviews a Merseian. Because the latter recognizes him as a Starkadian, Targovi is able to argue that Starkadians should try to gain some understanding of the Merseians in case that race occupies the Patrician System after their next attack. Initially, Fodaich Eidhafor the Bold, Vach Dathyr, invokes his oath to the Roidhun and his honor within his Vach but he is won over to talk about issues which are not secret in any case.

I have been rereading in the knowledge that Targovi is an Imperial Intelligence agent but this is not confirmed until we are told that:

"...it would grossly have blown cover for Targovi, obscure itinerant chapman, to see [Captain Jerrold Ronan, in charge of Naval Intelligence for the Patrician System] in person." (p. 229)

We learn some important facts about Ronan:

he is believed to have the confidence of the Admiral;

when Targovi, calling from his van, says that he feels that the discontent is being fomented, Ronan dismisses the impressions of a non-human;

when Targovi reports that spaceships have been landing on Zacharia, Ronan reminds him that the Navy conducts secret operations and warms him not to speak about this to anyone;

when Targovi reports that he has spoken with a Merseian, Ronan asks him how he dared;

when Targovi reports that the Merseians lost in space because they were led with stupidity but that the Imperial forces did not pursue their advantage, Ronan, outraged, tells him to drop this line of inquiry.

Official secrets are involved. Targovi is to await further instructions, if any, and, if he is not careful, he is dead.

So there it is. Magnusson is fomenting discontent and colluding with the Merseians, who are landing on Zacharia.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If Captain Ronan had truly been loyal to Emperor Gerhart I think he would have taken Targovi's report much more seriously. Plainly, he was stonewalling Targovi, trying to get him off several lines of investigation.

Ad astra! Sean