Tuesday, 2 February 2021


The Game Of Empire, CHAPTER THREE.

Three beings come together fortuitously in circumstances where they can help each other to do something useful. Of course, it is the author, not a deity, that controls this sequence of events.

Axor to Diana:

"'A godsend indeed!' he roared."
-CHAPTER ONE, p. 212.
Targovi to Diana about her and Axor:
"'My thanks to the gods, for you two must be their very sending.'" (p. 242)
Targovi to Diana, when she reveals that she knows that he is in Intelligence:
"'Hai, little friend of the universe, you are your father's daughter!...'" (p. 244)

Thus, another homage to Kipling. See Friend And Sprite.
As I said here, this is a chance met team but it is also one that could have been the basis of another series.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would put more stress on TARGOVI having the wit and imagination needed to see how he could make use of the truly fortuitous meeting of Diana with Fr. Axor.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

It's a homage to Kipling's best, too. KIM is where he rose above himself, IMHO, his finest work of prose fiction and the one where he's got the greatest breadth of understanding of very different personalities.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

And that encourages me to soon reread KIM. I have also read others of Kipling's works and poems with pleasure. Such as THE LIGHT THAT FAILED, in an edition which included an appendix containing the optimistic ending Kipling rejected as artistically unsatisfactory.

Ad astra! Sean