Monday 15 February 2021

Good By

We Claim These Stars, CHAPTER XVIII.

John Buchan's and Dornford Yates's heroes tended to marry a heroine early in a series. Dominic Flandry and James Bond usually have a different heroine in every episode. Sometimes we are not told what happens to heroines between episodes. Flandry's dismissal of Kit is callous.

 Her unhappiness contrasts with the beauty of the Vixenite setting:

a peaceful town in midsummer;
Cerulia, the small bright sun;
blue sky;
tall white clouds;
green fields;
gleaming river;
snowpeaks on the horizon;
roses in a trellis window in a mild summer wind.

Next comes "The Warriors from Nowhere": again Fenross, Chives and another one-off heroine.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Here I have to disagree, I did not think Flandry's treatment of Kit was callous. In fact, he was briefly tempted to stay with her, in some way. Flandry declined her offer because he did not consider himself capable of staying with her. Or with any woman. He left cursing himself for having gone to see her on Vixen if that was how he thought of himself. Flandry was far kinder to Kit than he had been many years before to Djana, at the end of A CIRCUS OF HELLS.

I have no reason to doubt Kit continued to regard Sir Dominic with affection for the rest of her life.

Ad astra! Sean