Thursday, 19 March 2020

Sensory Experience And Memory On Ikrananka

"The Trouble Twisters," VI, p. 138.

"The crimson sun was whiter and brighter to [Chee Lan's] eyes than to Falkayn's or Adzel's. Nonetheless, she found the landscape shadowy,..."

- sight, light, color, shadow -

"...swore when an unseen twig snagged the fur she had spent an hour grooming, and was glad to reach the highway."

- tactile sensation -

"And the air drank moisture from her nose like Falkayn drinking after a cruise when the Scotch gave out; and the wind was as cold as van Rijn's heart;..."

- dryness and coldness (van Rijn has appeared often enough in the series that he can now become a proverbial figure) -

"...and it carried from the Chakora scents of vegetation akin to creosote and Gorgonzola."

- scents (and a hint of humor) -

"Oh, to be back on Ta-chih-chien-pi, Lifehome-under-Sky, again in a treetop house among forest perfumes!"

This is the Cynthian name of Cynthia, also given, although not translated, in the following story, "Day of Burning." Cynthia and Woden have in common that no story is set on either but we read fleeting reminiscences of both.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If I remember rightly, Ikrananka was a tidally locked planet where one side permanently face the sun while the other was not heated by that sun. Most of the water was locked and frozen on the dark side while the other side was increasingly dried by worsening desert conditions.

Ad astra! Sean