Monday 16 July 2018

Across The Atlantic

SM Stirling's new heroine, Luz, travels to Europe by airship and returns by submarine. Stirling's text conveys that, in 1916 (B), these are new and exotic ways to travel. This is retro-sf. We have to remember earlier periods:

Jules Verne described a balloon, a submarine, a space projectile and a combined speedboat, submarine, automobile and aircraft (see here);

HG Wells described aeroplanes, a deep sea sphere, the Cavorite sphere and the Time Machine;

ERB describes an undiscovered continent, a tunneling machine and interplanetary ships;

Poul Anderson, one culmination of sf, describes aircars and several means of STL, FTL and time travel.

Tomorrow, when not preoccupied with family matters, I will rejoin Luz and her companions in mid-Atlantic.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And S.M. Stirling's two Lords of Creation books, THE SKY PEOPLE and IN THE COURTS OF THE CRIMSON KINGS, are examples of both retro and FUTURISTIC science fiction. These are among my favorites of his works, others being THE PESHAWAR LANCERS and CONQUISTADOR.

Got a copy of the the third volume of the re-collecting of Anderson's Psychotechnic INSTITUTE stories last Saturday. And I still disagree "The Chapter Ends" belongs in that series. (Smiles)

The logical thing to do is to start rereading the Pyschotechnic stories, from the first volume onwards. And I have wondered if the third volume should have included both the longer and shorter versions of VIRGIN PLANET, not just the shorter form.


Nicholas D. Rosen said...

Kaor, Paul!

I called my local bookstore, and they’re holding a copy of THE BLACK CHAMBER for me. I have something to look forward to.

Best Regards,

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Nicholas!

And I hope Stirling's BLACK CHAMBER interests and entertains you! It's very much worth reading, IMO. I hope you offer some comments about the book here.

Regards! Sean