Monday 21 August 2017

Diomedean Demands

On Diomedes, the Great Flock of Lannach must abandon its migratory life-style or go under. Rather than modernize, many Lannachska make demands. The following are listed as the less unreasonable:

economic, social, political or spiritual secession;
a return to ancestral ways;
protests against discrimination;
demands for justice;
help, subsidy or special consideration;
no more taxes to the planetary peace authority or the Empire;
seizure of planetary power;
establishment of a sovereign autarchy.

Completely unreasonable is the idea of the incorporation of Diomedes into the nearby Domain of Ythri. Diomedeans and Ythrians are fliers but otherwise have nothing in common. The latter neither know of Diomedes nor have any interest in adopting a cause. Nevertheless, the Lannachska mystique of Alatanism insists that fellow fliers should be able to sympathise with each other better than bipeds can. Like Aenean Messianism or Ardazirho superstitions about the Sky Cave, this is fertile territory for the master manipulator, Aycharaych...

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And what of the Fleet, and it's associates, on Diomedes? Despite some strains and stresses, most Diomedeans of that culture are content, even happy, to be part of the Empire. Has anyone among the Great Flock considered how many of their demands would clash with the interests of Fleet cultures? How do they propose to overcome objections and opposition from the other Diomedeans?

And I would have strengthened your comment about Domain of Ythri vis a vis Diomedes by pointing out the Domain has no interest in making trouble for the Empire. In fact, the Domain is a natural ALLY of the Empire in the struggle with Merseiea (because the Roidhunate is as much a danger to the Domain as the Empire).
