Friday 27 January 2017

Approaching A Conclusion

I am rereading Poul Anderson's Tales Of The Flying Mountains. The remaining stories are:

"Que Donn'rez Vous?"
"Recruiting Nation"

I have previously posted about all three of these installments (see the links) but remember less about "Recruiting Nation" so will skip to it. The first person narrator of the Prologue and Interludes comes on-stage as the viewpoint character and narrator of this last story. Committee members have lived through some of the history that they discuss.

I also have business on other blogs so might be less on Poul Anderson Appreciation for a while. I remain amazed by the scope of this blog which is down to its title character, not to the blogger.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree! Poul Anderson, and other SF writers justly comparable to him (such as Robert Heinlein, Olaf Stapledon, HG Wells, SM Stirling, Avram Davidson, etc.), covered a vast range of topics in their works. And other writers would be rightly listed here--except it would be a tediously long list.
