Saturday 9 April 2016

Dodechahedrons And Other Shapes

Let's check some more vocabulary.

"...a dome in the form of half a dodecahedron, three concentric helices bent into a semicircle, several curving dendritic masts or antennae..."
(Man-Kzin Wars III, p. 224)

"...a horizon vague with scud." (p. 213)

"She had arranged to hypothecate her half of the equity..." (p. 218)

"...sea and wrack." (p. 220)

"' everything aboard a ship bleshes together.'" (p. 234)

(A portmanteau of "blend" and "mesh," coined by Theodore Sturgeon, apparently.)

"...instruments on his vambrace..." (p. 238)

"...a haft of plastic riveted to the tang..." (p. 252)

"...a microtome edge." (p. 252)

"...a corner of the napery..." (p. 253) (and here)

"...cut back on a boondoggle..." (p. 265)

"'Let's throw a proper luau.'" (p. 266)

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