Sunday 12 April 2015

Nansen And Dayan

Poul Anderson, Starfarers (New York, 1999).

"Trees - chestnut, cedar, quebracho -" (p. 33).

"...he wore it with an air that she thought might, long ago, have been a gaucho's." (p. 34)

"'...we weren't all estancieros...'" (ibid.)

"'You're not an experienced caballista...'" (p. 40)

Ricardo Nansen has been to Epsilon Eridani and 61 Cygni and will now lead a ten thousand year round trip to the Yonderfolk. His family claims kinship with Fridtjof Nansen (see image). His prospective crew member, Hanny Dayan, is "'...a direct descendant of Moshe Dayan.'" (p. 37)

(Comparably, in Anderson's History of Technic Civilization, Tabitha Falkayn of the early Imperial period is a direct descendant of David Falkayn (and here) of the later League period. A planet is named after Dayan in the Technic History.)

Philo Pryor, prophet of the Order of the Received Cosmosophy, claimed to have found in a cave on Ascraeus Mons a device "...left by the Galactics to await a genius who could endure to use it." (p. 38) In his brain, the quantum mechanical resonances brought manifestations from the Ones as they will again when another genius appears. After covertly examining the revered device with scientific instruments, Hanny published her conclusion that the box never could do anything. There have been several attempts on her life. Was she right to expose the Order in the way that she did?

Addendum: Some links have been added to this post.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remember that bit about Philo Pryor! The problem is, people who WANT to believe in frauds like him will not be moved, no matter how evidence of that fraud Hanny Dayan found. So, I'm of mixed views: part of me says Hanny should have left the Received Cosmosophists alone. as not worth the risk. Another part says she was right to expose the lie. Yet a third part thinks she should have been content with privately showing what she had discovered only to friends and interested persons and leave it at that.


Paul Shackley said...

She was at least right to examine the device in order to check whether there was any truth in the Cosmosophists' claim.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree. And THEN I think Hanny Dayan should have chosen the third alternative I gave: showing the evidence only privately to friends and interested persons. Was going public REALLY worth being stalked and pursued by vengeful Cosmosophist hit squads?
