Friday 13 March 2015

Previous Other Reading

(The image shows Manchester Central Library.)

Everyone who reads one author also reads others, usually. Any writer's works are read not in a vacuum but in a particular social and literary context which differs for each reader. For example, I reread Poul Anderson's Fire Time in Lancaster while remembering a Stieg Larsson thriller whereas someone else might read Anderson's Tau Zero for the first time in New York while remembering a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott. Etc. Each reader of this post can fill in their own details.

Thus, Poul Anderson fans can discuss:

Which other authors do you read?
Are they connected?
If so, how?
Do they come before or after each other in a literary sequence? (I have discussed this a lot.)
Which authors seem to be completely unconnected? (We look for connections because nothing exists in isolation from everything else.)

In this vein, I have occasionally mentioned other reading on the blog:

David Attenborough;
PG Wodehouse;
Iain M Banks;
Modesty Blaise;
Stieg Larsson -

- and, in many of these cases, I have found comparisons to make with Poul Anderson.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Hi, Paul!

What I thought, on seeing the image of the Manchester Central Library, was of how strongly it reminded me of the Pantheon, in Rome! Altho their functions are very different: the former is a library while the latter was a pagan temple and is now a Catholic church.
