Saturday 9 August 2014

Physics And Psyches

Physics and psychology occur simultaneously in each of our brains - and also interact: a severe blow to a brain affects the mind. Time Patrol physicists say that the continuum is especially vulnerable around certain nexuses and that, even though one nexus is located in Jerusalem, 69-70 AD, reality is unstable as far away as barbarian Germany. How does that instability affect Germanic minds?

When a wife has lost three children, her husband offers a man to the goddess Niaerdh provided that She saves those who come after. Then, a daughter and sons survive. The daughter, called Edh, Oath, is quiet and withdrawn but makes stories about Niaerdh, sees her in the waves and gradually gives Her a supreme status over land as well as sea. Other children, then adults, listen...

Here is a myth with the potential to resist Christianity. The laws of physics operate in Edh's brain but what she experiences is her relationship to the goddess. And later generations are devoted to Mary.

Ave Stella Maris!

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