Saturday 2 August 2014

Levels Of Time Travel

The previous post suggests perhaps five levels of time travel fiction.

(i) Wells: the Time Traveler visits the future (or it could also have been the past) but does not experience or even consider any temporal paradoxes.

(ii) Various authors, including Wells and Anderson: time travelers experience increasingly complicated circular causality paradoxes. (This started with Wells' "The Chronic Argonauts," which preceded The Time Machine.)

(iii) L Sprague de Camp and Ward Moore: time travelers either deliberately or accidentally change the past.

(iv) Anderson: the Time Patrol exists to prevent (iii)...

(v) ...and also exists to counteract random temporal changes.

In this summary:

Wells appears twice and Anderson three times (counting (v));
Anderson has three novels in (ii);
both (iv) and (v) refer to a single series by Anderson;
other authors contribute to only one of the five levels.

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