Sunday 1 September 2013

Current Blogging Policy

Be warned, folks. I am trying to pace myself here but it kind of goes against the grain to draft a bunch of posts, then hold them back, however temporarily, so I might give in and suddenly unleash ten or so posts on an unprepared Anderson fandom! I have done this before but, on those occasions, the posts were hastily written to meet the self-imposed deadline of the end of a month whereas currently I am taking a little more time to revise and polish the posts although you might not notice.

It is a continual surprise to me that there is always more to be written. A single line of dialogue in a short story that I am right now reading for the first time gives rise to an absolutely fundamental theological argument that I have already discussed on other blogs in relation to CS Lewis. There are Anderson and Anderson-related works that I have yet to read so there is still no end in sight. We are currently aiming towards the two thousandth post.

So, if there is any gap in transmission, nil desperandum, and, if the prospect of an end ever does loom above the horizon, then I will announce it here, not just fade away.

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