Monday, 4 February 2013

Continuing With The Star Fox III

(i) Let's be more precise about the scientific rationale of Staurnian flight in Poul Anderson's The Star Fox (London, 1968). Staurnians are hydrogen breathers who should have less active metabolisms than oxygen breathers and Staurnian gravity is twice terrestrial. However:

they have bird-type bones;
the lower energy of hydrogen molecules is more than compensated for by their greater numbers in the Staurnian atmosphere;
the enzyme systems are efficient;
there is so much ultraviolet from the sun that the plants build very energy-rich compounds.

(ii) The basic Staurnian social unit is a patriarchal household which would not have been able to raise them above savagery. Somehow, possibly by conquest and slavery, they did build a global industrial civilisation which, however, destroyed itself in a nuclear war. Staurnians were happy to revert to patriarchal households, especially since these are now armed with nuclear weapons with which they can attack each other and which they can sell to visiting outworld traders!

Staurnians are less adversely affected by radiation, having more of it in their environment, their Nests are mostly underground and there are no incendiary effects in a hydrogen atmosphere. A Guild of older males arbitrates, defends Staurn and deals with outworlders.

(iii) Staurn, an obvious anagram of "Saturn," also connotes to me "stern" and "storm." When Heim said that he would buy weapons from a place of that name, it seemed appropriate.

(iv) Staurnian wings are "...chiropteran..." (p. 74) I cannot find this word in a dictionary.

(v) " 'We're laying the foundation of' - he hunted for words - 'admiralty. Man's throughout the universe.' " (p. 203) I am not sure about this use of the word "admiralty."

(vi) " 'If man is going to live throughout the galaxy, he's got to be free to take his own roads...And that way won't the race realize all its potential? Is there any other way we can, than by trying everything out, everywhere?' " (p. 201) - Anderson's consistent message, essentially correct.

(vii) There is at least no economic reason for interstellar wars: " 'What do entire, self-sufficient, isolated worlds have to fight about?' " (p. 201) They have just finished fighting but that was about ideology.

More later.


John Cowan said...

Chiroptera are bats.

Kipling was apparently the first to use admiralty in this sense: "If blood be the price of admiralty Good God, we ha' paid in full!" Anderson quotes this in The Enemy Stars.

There hasn't been any economic reason for war, at least between the great powers, since before WWI. It's just plain cheaper to trade for other countries' resources than to try to steal them.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Dear Mr. Cowan!

This reminder of Kipling's poem "We Have Fed Our Sea" brings home to me I really should get back to reading his poetry.

Yes, there truly isn't much ECONOMIC reason for nations to fight each other. But I think wars will continue to be fought for reasons of ambition, pride, ideology, passionately held beliefs, etc.
