Friday, 6 December 2024


The Day Of Their Return
, 18.

"A Terran, in a position similar to Mattu's, would generally have grinned. The colonel stayed humorless..." (p. 208)

As with Ythrians and Merseians, we get a sense of Terrans as a group of people in Technic civilization. Mattu is human but Aenean and, more specifically Orcan, not Terran. Aeneans differ considerably. David Falkayn, in an earlier period, was human but of Hermetian, not Terran, citizenship. Dennitzans of Merseian descent are zmayi or ychani. Sometimes a being continues to be identified by the planet on which its species originated, sometimes not. Thus, some Avalonians are Ythrians whereas others are human but not described as Terran. Much later, Kirkasanters are of human, indeed Aenean, descent but no longer human. We become accustomed to the various distinctions as we read.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, but Ythrians still tended to think of all humans as being, racially, "Terrans."

Ad astra! Sean