Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Special Relationship II

"Honorable Enemies."

The special relationship continues at the banquet for the hunting party although again we are given only a summary. Flandry:

"...found [relaxation] not in the orgiastic amusements offered, but in discourse with Aycharaych. The talk had had nothing to do with the conflict between them; mostly it had been about ancient history, both Terran and Merseian, and utterly fascinating. He could almost forget that the great mind before him had no need of his speech." (pp. 289-290)

Aycharaych reads Flandry's surface thoughts but does not gather much military intelligence if Flandry keeps his attention focused on ancient history. Even more fascinating would be the ancient history of Chereion but that remains shrouded in mystery. Aycharaych divulges some information to Erranath on Aeneas and Axor is trying to learn more at the end of the last Flandry period volume.

Aline says that Terra will need to develop a thought-screening helmet. Flandry wears such a helmet in two subsequent instalments. 

Flandry and Aycharaych meet for the first time in "Honorable Enemies" and their special relationship is firmly established by the end of this story when Aycharaych says:

"'There will be more tomorrows. Tonight let us enjoy our truce." (p. 302)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But I regret how Anderson omitted in the revision what the original text said about the Sartaz having dancing girls from every race in the story present at the banquet! (Smiles)

Ad astra! Sean