Thursday 28 December 2023

Central Park


Evening In New York: Everard And Bond

Fictional Representations Of New York

New York In Space And Time

- my point here being that New York is a major venue in works of fiction. It is one point of contact between Poul Anderson's Time Patrol series and Virginia Andrew's Dollanganger series. In both of these series, some of the characters live close to or even overlook Central Park and stroll in the Park. But there the resemblance ends. The second Dollanganger novel, Petals On The Wind, is set in the early 1960s but makes no reference to any historical events of that period. It is only about the ways that individual human beings can find to be vile to one another. The Time Patrol series covers all of human history. A character who strolls in Central Park has spent generations among the Goths and reflects on how World War II could have been prevented.

Interest in the fates of the characters will keep me reading until the end of Petals On The Wind but I will probably not follow through with the remaining three Dollanganger novels, let alone the same author's five-volume Casteel Family Saga. Poul Anderson's characters deal with the universe and with each other, not just with each other.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That may be a problem with much mainstream fiction, characters in such stories interacting only with each other, apparently in complete isolation from the rest of the world.

Happy New Year! Sean