Friday 8 December 2023

Many Merseians

The second Dominic Flandry novel, A Circus of Hells, does not present any Merseian narrative point of view but does present many Merseians:

Flandry re-meets Tachwyr on Irumclaw;

he spends time with Merseians on Talwin;

Ydwyr the Seeker, a nephew of the Roidhun, delivers a monologue to Djana.

Ydwyr's nurse was a four-armed, six-legged non-Merseian. Inter-species interaction occurs even in the Roidhunate.

Cnif is a yellow-complexioned colonial of Lafdiguan descent. Eriau is not his first language and he does not belong to a Vach. 

The Technic History, about Terrans, Mersian, Ythrians and others, gets more complicated.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I recall Flandry thinking in that book that Ydwyr the Seeker would like to use more non-Merseians in xenological research, except that would mean bucking beliefs about the superiority of Merseians so deeply ingrained the average Merseian was not aware of them. Meaning such efforts would fail.

Ad astra! Sean