Monday 30 October 2023


We Claim These Stars, CHAPTER XI.

A party of Ardazirho whirring down a Garth street on their unicycles:

"...left a wake of frightened silence behind them." (p. 70)

Poul Anderson describes not only the invaders but also their effect on the subdued Vixenites. There follows another sentence that also serves two purposes:

"The winter sun burned low to northwest, big and dazzling white in a pale sky, among hurried stormclouds." (ibid.)

First, a description of the Vixenite environment. The white sun is another welcome difference. Secondly, pathetic fallacy. Hurrying stormclouds match whirring invaders. Readers recognize the appropriateness of the stormclouds even if they do not analyse Poul Anderson's literary techniques.

Pathetic fallacy continues as Flandry keeps his assignation with Kit under "...the gloomy winter sky..." (p. 76) at the Rocket Fountain (scroll down) in Explorers' Plaza.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Good, careful writing by Anderson, despite some implausibilities here and there. Amply well worth reading!

Ad astra! Sean