Monday 23 October 2023

Donvar Ayeghen And Michael Karageorge

So far, the process has been:

a short story is published in a magazine;

it is collected with a new introduction in Trader To The Stars, The Trouble Twisters or The Earth Book of Stormgate;

it is re-collected together with its more recently acquired introduction in The Technic Civilization Saga.

We now find two exceptions that are also companion stories:

"The Star Plunderer" was introduced by Donvar Ayeghen of the Galactic Archaeological Society in its original magazine publication;

"Sargasso of Lost Starships" acquired its introduction by Michael Karageorge in The Technic Civilization Saga.

(Also, the author behind Michael Karageorge is not Poul Anderson but the Saga compiler, Hank Davis.)

We might eventually get to perceive The Technic Civilization Saga in all its aspects.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And how did Anderson come to adopt "Michael Kargeorge" as an occasional pseudonym? Someone as well read in history as he was would know "Karageorge" is the name of the former ruling dynasty of Serbia/Yugoslavia.

Ad astra! Sean