Friday 13 October 2023

Diana In Paz de la Frontera

The Game of Empire, CHAPTER NINE.

Walking through Paz de la Frontera, Diana Crowfeather, accompanied by the male Cynthian, Shan U, is threatened by four men but has dealt with the threat before Shan U has had time to move. See:

Lisbeth Salander And Diana Crowfeather

This confirms Diana's already established status as a self-reliant individual. It might also remind us that, among Cynthians, the males are the less aggressive sex. Finally, for now, the description of Paz de la Frontera (see the above link) might make us ask why the Terran Empire cannot make better provision for its veterans.

Life is becoming eventful here so I will post as and when possible. As said previously, I will be elsewhere all day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Unfortunately, not all women are going to be as able and knowledgeable in the martial arts as Diana. Here I thought of the Israeli women being gang raped by the Hamas vermin!

Alas, problems about the proper care of military veterans are not limited to the Empire. That's also a problem in the US, esp. as regards the Veterans Administration.

Ad astra! Sean