Tuesday 27 March 2018

Retirement In The Technic History

Where would you prefer to retire in the period of the Terran Empire?

somewhere else?

Flandry's and Kossara's plans for retirement on Dennitza had included:

a house in Dubina Dolyina;
an apartment in Zorkagrad;
many children;
xenological expeditions to other planetary systems;
staff Intelligence work;
she showing him an overlook in the Vysochina highlands;
he teaching her winetasting;
she reading aloud from Simich, he from Genji;
the opera in Zorkagrad;
dances at land festivals;
sailing across Lake Stoyan to a cafe under the flowering trees on Garlandmakers' Island;
taking the children to the zoo and merrypark.

Some of my friends would remark, "It sounds alright for those that can afford it!"


S.M. Stirling said...

I owe my reading of the "Tail of Genji" to hearing about it in the Flandry stories. A magnificent work, as good as the Dream of the Red Chamber, another favorite of mine.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Hmmm, if I lived in the Terran Empire of Dominic Flandry's time, where would I like to retire? All the places you listed, with perhaps the partial exception of Imhotep, seem good! I excepted Imhotep because I wondered how well I could adapt to living on a planet with a gravity 30 percent greater than that of Terra's. Nyanza might also be problematic, because of its sun, if you were fair complexioned with light colored eyes.

I think I would like best Archopolis, Dennitza, or Aeneas (tho some might find it too cold and dry).

As for Flandry and Kossara being able to "afford" what they hoped to gain or achieve, well, the latter did come of a wealthy family, recall. And a man able and talented could probably make a good living both officially and privately. Flandry might even had invested in Leon Ammon's company mining Wayland!
