Tuesday 20 March 2018

An Evening And A Morning On Vixen (And A Day In The Lake District)

Today we took the bus to Windermere and ate a vegetarian all-day breakfast in Brambles. While waiting at Kendal Bus Station, I reread:

Poul Anderson, "Hunters of the Sky Cave" IN Anderson, Sir Dominic Flandry: The Last Knight Of Terra (Riverdale, NY, 2012), pp. 149-301 AT XI, pp. 238-239.

A late supper:
cold game bird;
Judith's hair glowing red by candlelight.

Before noon:
Explorers' Plaza;

surrounding gardens;

harp trees in the wind;

a metal fountain, shaped like an ancient space rocket, jetting colored fire;

before the occupation, a good place to drink coffee and watch life;

now, "...the gloomy winter sky..." (p. 239) matches the gloom of the defeated human population (another of Poul Anderson's many Pathetic Fallacies).

Dominic Flandry's career, like James Bond's, alternates between pleasure and danger. Flandry spends the night with Judith, then sits in Explorers' Plaza, waiting to be arrested by the alien occupation force. He plans to be captured and interrogated but also to gather intelligence, then escape - surely an implausible and reckless enterprise?

Every book has to be read or reread somewhere. See Where And When and the linked posts. In the current post, I have tried to present Flandry's evening and morning on Vixen verbally and our visit to Windermere visually.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

While it does seem very implausible of Flandry to have Kit "betray" him to the Ardazirho so he could gather information about the enemy from "inside," I think it could work if carried out by someone as bold and daring as Sir Dominic. I sure as heck don't think I could carry it off!
